Update on the vegetable garden

Due to last month being the wettest June in the UK on record and July following in the same footsteps it’s no surprise that not much in the way of progress has been made in the vegetable garden.

Thankfully, this weekend offered us some fine weather and a chance to carry on with our plans.

There have been a few alterations to our original plan – the main one being that we no longer need two sheds due to our garage declutter.

After looking around at the ready-made sheds that were available locally Mr S decided that he would have a go at making the potting shed himself.

He managed to complete the frame and base which will make up the potting shed and covered seating area, hopefully it won’t be too long now untill our garden tools have somewhere to call home!

Elsewhere in this part in the garden the soggy vegetable beds are starting to dry up a little. We have already had success with our potatoes, harvesting them as we need them to ensure that they are fresh and the quantity of strawberries has surpassed previous years.

We are currently picking a pudding basin full every other day, however due to the high rainfall they aren’t lasting very well once picked and so we seem to be having an awful lot of strawberry smoothies at the moment.

The other vegetables are slowly coming on but what they really need now is some sunshine to give them a boost – they’re not the only ones πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “Update on the vegetable garden

  1. Larry Wood says:

    I love your garden and the plants growing there.. I want to taste some of your strawberries.. LOL! And I am sure your shed will give an additional attraction to your garden once it it done.. good luck and keep it up!

  2. patinaandcompany says:

    I envy you your “garage de-clutter” so much! In my dreams! And yes, with square footage being worth what it is, why on earth would we keep all this junk in it?

    What an amazingly tidy veggie garden, as well. Congratulations on your many successes in this Project.

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